Site Policy:
The site:

We welcome all users of the “RENTALLX” electronic platform and we are pleased to provide the terms and conditions of our platform. If you use the “RENTALLX” electronic platform on smart devices or other devices or the like, this means your final and unconditional acceptance of these terms and conditions of the platform, and please note the terms and conditions of the "RENTALLX" platform are updated from time to time, which is an electronic intermediary platform between the lessor and the lessee.

All registration and subscription procedures for the application are subject to the requirements of the electronic platform “RENTALLX” and the associated regulations and legislation, and all registrations and subscriptions to the platform are subject to these requirements and “regulations and legislation”, and thus the platform management is not responsible for violations or violations of the laws of any person who registers On the platform, and that he alone bears that responsibility before the law and before others.

The terms contained in the electronic system constitute the terms and policies published on the electronic platform and the complete and exclusive understanding and agreement between you and “RENTALLX”, and that these terms govern your use of the service and the electronic platform. "Exclusively in the Omani courts, failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision if any provision or provisions of these Terms are invalid, illegal or unenforceable, and the validity, legality and enforceability of the provisions are not affected. The remaining terms of the terms are in any way or subject to any harm, and these terms guarantee the interest of the two parties and link each of the parties’ successors and appointees.


On this platform and unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated. "RENTALLX", "Application", "Website", "we", "the first person" or "the possessive" means the "RENTALLX" electronic platform. “User” means the person who visits the Application, uses it, registers for membership on the Site, or enters into this Agreement or any of its sections with us.

“lessee” means any natural or legal person (institution, corporation, any commercial or non-commercial entity) who requests to rent the “RENTALLX” Products offered for rent via the Application.

"Regulations and Legislation" refers to the regulations, laws and legislations in force in the Sultanate of Oman.

“Policy” refers to this document and the terms and conditions it contains.


The user of the electronic platform "RENTALLX" undertakes to maintain the secrets of the application and the secrets of other users, and each of them is responsible for any breach of the confidentiality of the application and its operations, and is obligated not to disclose any data related to the operation of the application to third parties, whether with or without a charge. And that he is aware that all electronic data and information on the “RENTALLX” platform, which is located in the information network, is subject to the Information Technology Crimes Law issued by Royal Decree No. 12/2011, and under this law, any subscriber who commits violating acts will be subject to legal accountability, and that he bears all responsibility For any incorrect data or information you provided on the “RENTALLX” electronic platform and the legal liability that may result, in addition to closing his accounts in the application and preventing him from participating.

Among these acts, for example, but not limited to: - A. Deliberately and unlawfully entering the “RENTALLX” electronic platform and bypassing your authorized access, with the intent of destroying the application or causing harm to users or beneficiaries.

B. Changing, modifying, destroying, canceling, or occupying its address.

C. Entering the “RENTALLX” electronic platform and its information system and causing anything that would stop or disable any of them from working, canceling, changing, modifying, distorting, damaging or destroying the programs, data or electronic information used.

D. Using information technology means to commit an information fraud crime for the electronic platform "RENTALLX", by changing the truth in the electronic data or information that would bring a benefit to yourself or others or cause harm to others.
E. Infringing the industrial property right of the “RENTALLX” electronic platform and using the application to infringe on any other legally protected right of an author or holder of a neighboring right or of industrial property rights in any form of infringement stipulated by law, and other criminal acts according to laws and “regulations” and legislation in force in this regard.


In the case of registration in the electronic platform "RENTALLX" requires adherence to the following conditions:-


When you wish to register as a new user on the “RENTALLX” electronic platform, this entitles you to obtain an electronic username and a secret code to use when entering the application and to take any action available to you according to the applicable regulations.


By using the "RENTALLX" electronic platform with the intention of taking any action, you acknowledge that you are fully qualified, as follows: -

A. She has reached the age of majority and according to the Civil Transactions Law promulgated by Royal Decree No. 29/2013, the age of majority is the completion of eighteen years of age.

B. He enjoys your mental powers and has not been restrained.

C. qualified to exercise all your civil rights

Privacy policy:

The electronic platform "RENTALLX" attaches the utmost importance to all data related to its customers that it accesses through the application and that it possesses, and it will abide that this data is protected and may only be used for the purpose of application or authorization in accordance with the law.

1-Personal data:

“Data” means all data collected about the user during registration with the application or during its use of it, during the request for payment for the service or during the request for its connection, or that the user provides us with at any time or the data of the peripheral devices that he uses the user.

The electronic platform "RENTALLX" undertakes to maintain records that contain the user's personal data or any records of electronic communications, and are in our custody or under our control or with our agents or legal workers, and undertakes to take reasonable steps, to ensure that the personal data of the user, and related records, protected in a security manner appropriate to its importance. The electronic platform "RENTALLX" also undertakes to keep your personal or banking data for the period required by the nature of the transaction you make through the application, and not to deal with your personal data for purposes that are not authorized or permitted for a fee or for free with any other party unless it is required or authorized by us It is in accordance with the relevant "regulations and legislation", or with the prior written consent of the user to whom the information relates.

However, you know and agree that the Internet is not a secure medium, and that the confidentiality of your data cannot be fully guaranteed, and we, for our part, pledge, within the limits permitted by law, not to disclose or use your confidential data in conflict with your right to privacy, and your data will not be traded with others, data will not be disclosed except in the cases that require it as follows: -

A.In the event that we enter partners with us, here we disclose your data to the new partner.

B. Entities that partner with us to provide services to protect against credit risks, fraud and electronic piracy.

C. If we are required to disclose or share your personal data in order to protect the rights, property, or integrity of the Application, our employees, or others.

D.In the event that a judicial ruling or decision is issued by the competent judicial authorities, or the existence of “regulations and legislation” obligating us to do so, or in the event that a decision is issued by the authorities “obligating us to do so.”


"Confidential Information": - any information and/or data in any form that relates to any of the parties' business, operations, plans, strategies, ideas, concepts, intentions, business relationships, products, prices, current, future and potential price structures of the parties, margins, trade secrets, customers, market opportunities, and business requirements, know-how, patents, inventions and/or design rights.

In return for the confidential information obtained from the user, the RENTALLX electronic platform undertakes not to use or disclose this confidential information except to enhance the achievement of its purpose, and not to disclose this confidential information to any third party except to inform the confidential information to its managers, employees and professional advisors who need to know this information. Confidential information in order to achieve the purpose and to ensure that every person who discloses confidential information is obligated to keep it confidential and not to disclose it, and it does not apply to disclosure if that information and data at the time of its disclosure was publicly available and known to the public, or if its disclosure was by law or by order from the competent court.

Financial policy:
1.Payment method:

The method of payment for the displayed services will be in the event of a rental request in the application and confirmation by the tenant of his desire to obtain the service through electronic payment in advance, and after completing the payment process on the site, the product will be delivered within the period specified in the service box for each item.


5% of the invoice value will be added to the value added tax (VAT) or any other applicable taxes or fees from the competent authorities for each service.


The website policy includes providing a delivery service when you choose the type of service, and the cost of delivering the product and its cost according to the type of service will be added for each request in the service field.

Return and Replacement policy:

The product can be returned and replaced or a refund of the value of the paid service if the product is not working or in a state of malfunction, but the replacement of any product must not be due to misuse or damage by the tenant. The tenant can request a replacement to communicate with us through the communication channels available through the application.

Store usage policy:

1. In the event that the user chooses to add his product to the store, the platform bears the cost of transporting the product from the lessor to the store within the scope of Muscat Governorate, and in the event that the lessor wants to retrieve the product from the store, the period of stay of the product in the store must be estimated to calculate the service fees, as follows:
• Less than 30 days: Pay 3 Omani riyals.
• More than 30 days: none.
2. The platform is responsible for any damage to the product while it is in the store.
3. The value of RO 1,500 is charged to the lessor, for each successful rental of the product in the warehouse; As a fee for renting product space in the store

Adherence to the terms and termination of service:

The User acknowledges and agrees that RENTALLX may set limits from time to time regarding the use of the Service, including among other things, it reserves the right to modify or discontinue the Service at any time (or any part thereof) with or without notice. and will not be liable to you or any third party for any such modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Service, and agree that in its sole and absolute discretion, you have the right to delete or deactivate your account, block your email or IP address, or terminate your access to or use of the Service (or any part of it) immediately and without notice, and removing and disregarding any Content within the Service for any reason if RENTALLX believes that you have violated these Terms.

Further, you agree that RENTALLX shall not be liable to you or any third party for any termination of your access to the Site or the Service, and furthermore, you agree not to attempt to use the Service after any such termination.